Bonnie Harmon Greene, Treasurer

Bmgreene photo

Bonnie, the Treasurer and Mama of New Age Truth of Missouri, is a native of Michigan City, Indiana. Bonnie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in theater from Indiana University, Bloomington and a Master of Arts degree from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  She is an accomplished stage actress, vocalist, theater technician and photographer. She was Artist-in-Residence, Theater Instructor and Costume Designer at the Katherine Dunham Center for the Performing Arts, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville for twenty-one years. She has been a driving force with Unity Theatre Ensemble (aka Kutana Players) since the days as a graduate student project in 1971 at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale where she met her now deceased husband, producer and artistic director, Ralph E. Greene (Chairman of New Age Truth of Missouri, Inc.). A couple of years after leaving the university in 1996, in addition to working with Unity Theatre Ensemble as an independent theater company in St. Louis, Bonnie spent eleven years as the office manager for a prominent Social Security Disability Law Firm in St. Louis, Missouri.

In 1975, after a classroom conversation with, then SIUE student, Edward Brown, Bonnie was given Dr. David M. Berry’s business card and urged to call him regarding life questions that she had. However, shy to meet new people at that time, Bonnie didn’t call right away. It was only after she experienced more challenging times and that business card constantly getting her attention that she finally decided to contact Master Berry who told her to come see him in Chicago. Their first meeting was overwhelming for her because the wisdom knowledge that he shared was new and different but proved to be just what she needed and had been seeking for all her life. Master Berry also told her it was time for her to meet him because under his guidance she had to fulfill a important responsibility this life cycle. Bonnie says, “All my life, I had felt different, out of place, but somehow I also felt that I had importance; and during my college days, I had even adopted the song “You’re Gonna Hear From Me” as my mantra. Well, little did I know that I was being tapped inwardly to assume a higher calling and life purpose."  Bonnie was the first person from the St. Louis area that Edward Brown successfully brought to Master Berry to study and to eventually assist in laying the foundation for the St. Louis chapter of New Age Truth.  She has been a student of New Age Truth and member of New Age Truth of Missouri for more than forty years and even though, Master Berry is no longer here in the physical form, Bonnie says, "I, like other students, periodically see him in the dream state and inwardly receive instructions, guidance, and encouragement to this day.”  

Bonnie has also studied the science of numerology for more than forty years and was told by Master Berry that she was to become a master numerologist. To this end, where applicable in counseling others, Bonnie employs numerology to assist them with self-discovery, recognizing life lessons and understanding their life road map as they seek a more meaningful and fulfilling life journey. 

Ralph E. Greene, Chairman

Edward L. Brown, President

JoAnn B. Tucker, Vice President

Leona Thomas, Secretary

Nefertitti Berry, Assistant Treasurer

Osiris Tucker, YIC Coordinator

Donna K. Scott, DMB Scholarship Committee

Jennifer Tucker-Epps, Outreach Programs

Jessica Tucker, Girls Empowerment

© New Age Truth of Missouri, Inc.  1998- 2022